Simply speaking a no-fault divorce is one in which the parties are not required to give the court...
Family Articles
Review our articles related to family law in Mobile, Alabama. If you are considering divorce in Mobile, these articles will help you learn more about the divorce process in Mobile, Alabama. Each article is written by one of our expert divorce lawyers at Herlihy Family Law. Our firm is located in Mobile, Alabama, and helps residents of the Gulf Coast successfully navigate the divorce process. Whether you are concerned with child custody, child support, or other aspects related to your children, the divorce attorneys at Herlihy Family Law can help guide you.
5 Tips for Successful Co-Parenting
Having a good co-parenting relationship with your ex is important for your children’s well-being....
3 Common visitation schedules in divorce in Mobile, AL
While divorces are far from one size fits all, there are a few common visitation schedules in...
8 Different Types of Child Custody Explained
When it comes to getting divorced with children involved, most people don't realize there are...
4 Signs That it is Time to Get Divorced
How do you know when it is time to get divorced? There are several signs that it is time to get...
5 Surprising reasons why divorce is good
While there are undoubtedly many reasons why divorce is beneficial and may be the right solution...
How To Get Divorced Without People Finding Out
If you are considering divorce, you are probably wondering how to get divorced without people...
3 Reasons Why Divorce is Not Bad for Your Children
Wondering if there are reasons why divorce is not bad for your children? There are many proven...
4 Reasons You Should Hire a Lawyer for Your Divorce
Are you considering reasons you should hire a lawyer for your divorce? While there are many...
Communication Strategies for a High-Conflict Divorce
What is a High-Conflict Divorce? A High-Conflict Divorce is one hallmarked by constant fighting,...