Divorce Articles

If you are considering filing for divorce in Mobile, Daphne, Foley, or Fairhope, these articles will help you understand the process. Each article is written by one of our expert divorce lawyers at Herlihy Family Law. Our firm is located in Mobile, Alabama, and helps residents of the Gulf Coast successfully navigate the divorce process. Whether you are concerned with child custody, child support, or other aspects related to your children, the divorce attorneys at Herlihy Family Law can help guide you.

Managing Financial Fears About Divorce

To many people who are experiencing the trials of divorce, it can sometimes feel like a full-time job. It can consume all aspects of your life. Between phone calls with your attorney, to contact with your ex-partner, to figuring out child custody and where to live, it...

Top 5 Tips for Dealing with Divorce Stress

Divorce brings with it many negative emotions. Many of these emotions usually cause stress that will interfere in our ability to function from day to day. Research says that the biggest favor you can do yourself is to learn how to relax. You just need to let go of the...

I’m Going Through a Divorce: Should I Keep the House?

As we all know, one of the biggest issues in a divorce is the family home. It all starts to get messy when the decisions of what will happen to it and who is going to live in it become a concern for the parties. Typically, parties go from having two incomes to...

Alison Baxter Herlihy Wins Nappie Award for Best Divorce Lawyer

Best Divorce Lawyer Lagniappe, our alternative weekly paper in Mobile, has named Alison Baxter Herlihy as its 2016 winner of Best Divorce Lawyer, aka Best Lawyer if Your Spouse is a "Ho." The readers of Lagniappe vote in the annual poll, and this year over 1.4 million...

Prenuptial Agreements

A Prenuptial Agreement is a contract executed between parties prior to their marriage concerning the division of assets, debts and possibly spousal support in the event of divorce. Almost anything can be included in a prenuptial agreement, except matters of child...

Is your spouse cheating?

As a divorce lawyer, you are always hearing new scenarios that have led to the breakdown of a marriage, but, more often than not, you hear variations on the same theme. When a spouse is cheating, there are some common warning signs that indicate infidelity. 1....

Alison Baxter Herlihy is now a Registered Mediator

Alison Baxter Herlihy is now a registered mediator. She recently completed a forty hour training on Domestic and Family Mediation and is now a Registered Domestic Relations Mediator on the State Court Mediator Roster maintained by the Alabama Center for Dispute...

Client Review on Avvo.com

One of my clients recently left me a very positive review on Avvo.com. Here is the review: I had to return to court after a very contentious divorce. My previous attorney took another job and had to resign from my case, and I was directed by friends to call Ms....

Age-by-Age Guide to What Children Understand About Divorce

This is a great article I found on Parents.com on how to discuss and ease the transition of divorce for children of various developmental stages:  Divorce represents a pivotal and often traumatic shift in a child's world -- and from his perspective, a loss of...

US Supreme Court Declares Same-Sex Marriage Legal

In a landmark decision today, the US Supreme Court declared same-sex marriage legal in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges. This is perhaps the most significant civil rights decision since the 1960s. Same-sex marriage is legal in all fifty states. Marriage has long be...

When considering divorce, most people’s primary concern is their children. Their fear is that divorce will hurt their children. But the truth of the matter is that divorce is usually beneficial to your children and has a better outcome. In fact, there are reasons why divorce can be the right choice for both you and your family.