Family Law Articles

Read  our articles related to family law in Mobile, Alabama. Whether you are considering divorce in Mobile, Daphne, Foley, Fairhope or the surrounding area, these articles are great resources to help you learn more about the divorce process in Mobile, Alabama. Each article is written by one of our expert divorce lawyers at Herlihy Family Law. Our firm is located in Mobile, Alabama, and helps residents of the Gulf Coast successfully navigate the divorce process. Whether you are concerned with child custody, child support, or other aspects related to your children, the divorce attorneys at Herlihy Family Law can help guide you.

Client Review on Alison Baxter Herlihy P.C.’s Facebook Page

Read this Client Review on Alison Baxter Herlihy P.C.'s Facebook Page Post by Jennifer Eiland.

Summer Activity Options for Children

With summer quickly approaching, many students will soon be ending the school year and beginning their summer breaks. Although this is an exciting time for the children, it can be stressful for parents who want to keep their children occupied through the summer...

Another Client Review on AVVO

Another Client Review on AVVO

Client Review

Below is a client review that one of my clients left in the comments section of a blog post on my website. Client feedback is always appreciated, especially when it is this positive: Alison is a great reputable attorney practicing in the area of family law. Alison is...

Alison Baxter Herlihy Recognized as Top 40 Under 40 Family Law Lawyer by the American Society of Legal Advocates

Alison Baxter Herlihy has been recognized as one of the Top 40 Under 40 Family Law Lawyers in Alabama by the American Society of Legal Advocates. ASLA is an invitation-only legal organization comprised of the nation's most skilled lawyers. Its mission is to identify...

Alison Baxter Herlihy Speaking at South Alabama Volunteer Lawyers Program Seminar

Alison Baxter Herlihy is speaking at the annual South Alabama Volunteer Lawyers Program Seminar. This is a great opportunity for some free CLE hours! THE MOBILE BAR ASSOCIATION CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE and THE SOUTH ALABAMA VOLUNTEER LAWYERS PROGRAM...

Breaking News: Ex Parte Bayliss Overturned by Alabama Supreme Court

Today, the Alabama Supreme Court has issued an opinion in the case of Ex Parte Christopher, which overturns the landmark case of Ex Parte Bayliss. Bayliss is the case which gave Alabama Courts the authority to order parents to pay post-minority support and contribute...

Testimonial from a Recent Divorce & Custody Client

Below is a testimonial which I received from a client, whom I recently represented on a divorce and custody case. This is posted anonymously and with the client's permission, of course! After 2 years of an increasing decline in communication between my wife and I, it...

Supreme Court Declares Defense of Marriage Act Unconstitutional

The US Supreme Court announced its ruling that the Federal Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional. What does this mean for gay couples? The Court's decision applies to certain federal rights that were restricted or eliminated depending on whether a married couple...

If you are considering divorce, you may be wondering if that is the right decision. There are actually many reasons why divorce can be a good decision depending on your relationship.