4 Things That Will Make Your Divorce Easier

4 Things That Will Make Your Divorce Easier

4 Things That Will Make Your Divorce Easier

If you are considering divorce or currently working through a divorce, this can be a stressful and tough experience. But there are several things you can do to make your divorce process easier and alleviate some of the stress.

In this article, we are going to share 4 things that will make your divorce easier. Divorce is never easy, but following these steps will help make the process better.


1. Hiring an Experienced Attorney

Divorce is complex regardless of whether you’re filing contested or uncontested. Contested divorces, especially ones where children are involved, require skill and knowledge of the law to navigate well.

While you may just be focused on “winning,” an attorney will be able to look at the big picture and work to negotiate the best deal possible for you and your family. Uncontested divorces require more paperwork than you think, and not having everything filed correctly the first time can cause serious delays which would result in you staying married for longer than you want to be.

Attorneys are also able to access the Courts more easily than the average person and are more familiar with their local Court system and staff, so this allows the process to be as streamlined as possible.

Overall, hiring an experienced divorce attorney allows you the benefit of using their expertise to both protect your interests and avoid costly mistakes.


2. Being Open to Mediation

If you are getting divorced, it does not mean that you have to fight and litigate every single issue. Mediation is an excellent method of alternative dispute resolution that allows you to come to an agreement without having to battle things out in Court.

It is not only cost-effective, as it can save you the expense of trial, but it also allows you to negotiate terms so they are more narrowly tailored to your family’s needs, especially if you have children. This may include agreements related to education expenses, large purchases like vehicles, maintaining cell phones, insurance policies, etc.

These types of agreements that anticipate future expenses may not be considered by the Court, so mediation is the best way to make sure these things are taken care of to prevent conflict down the road. Mediation may not necessarily be successful for everyone, but not giving it a chance could be detrimental to your case in the long run.

Mediation is a way to facilitate cooperation and have couples focus on coming to a resolution, rather than focus on the fight.


3. Having a Financial Plan

Divorce is costly. Everyone knows this. That is why having a financial plan both during and after your divorce is crucial. Sticking to a strict budget and cutting back on expenses are two ways that you can ensure that your divorce won’t break the bank.

If you have not yet filed for divorce, but know that it’s on the horizon, it’s also important to take proactive steps in getting your finances in order. Make yourself aware of your current earnings, your earning potential, how much you have in savings or set aside for retirement, your debts, and make a detailed list of all of your current monthly expenses.

Having a clear picture of your financial situation before your divorce is filed will make things much easier down the road when you’re trying to adjust to your new life financially. It will also help your attorney when the time comes to participate in settlement negotiations. Some people cannot do this on their own, though, and need the help of an accountant or financial planner – this is not a bad idea!

Finances are not easy to navigate, especially when they’ve been co-mingled with a spouse. Regardless, having a financial plan in place for yourself will ease the divorce process and alleviate some of the stressors you will encounter.


4. Prioritizing Your Mental Health 

Taking care of yourself emotionally, physically, and mentally should be some of your main priorities when going through a divorce. You are going through a major life transition, and your stress and anxiety levels are going to be elevated.

You do not need to allow your mental and emotional well-being to deteriorate as it will only make things more difficult. The grief of divorce is often compared to the loss of a loved one in terms of intensity. Allow yourself to process and feel all of the emotions you may experience in a healthy way instead of holding them back. Simple things like eating nourishing foods and getting enough sleep will also help you.

Also avoid negative thought patterns and blaming yourself for the breakdown of the relationship. Maintaining hobbies that you love, seeking counseling or therapy, and surrounding yourself with family and friends that support you are all ways to maintain some level of comfort and security during your divorce.



Divorce proceedings can be tough on anyone. Everyone would prefer to have a peaceful divorce. To improve your chances of a successful divorce, we recommend following these steps to make your divorce easier.

Having an experienced divorce lawyer on your side is always recommended. Especially if there are child custody or child support aspects to your divorce.

Schedule a private consultation with one of our family law attorneys


Author: Anna Eden

Attorney Anna Eden is a native of Mobile, Alabama. Prior to joining Herlihy Family Law, Anna worked as a law clerk for Circuit Court Judges Michael Windom and Michael Sherman. It was during her time clerking for Judge Sherman that Anna discovered her passion for helping people navigate the complex and emotional issues involved in family law.

Anna aids in the representation of individuals across a variety of family law issues, including divorce and child support, juvenile law, child custody law, probate, and wills.

How To Get Divorced Without People Finding Out

How To Get Divorced Without People Finding Out

How To Get Divorced Without People Finding Out

If you are considering divorce, you are probably wondering how to get divorced without people finding out. The short answer is: you can’t.

Divorce impacts more than just you and your spouse. It is inevitable that your friends and family will find out; more than likely your co-workers will find out; and if you have children, the people at his or her school will likely find out.

The important thing to understand, though, is that it’s okay for people to know you’re going through a divorce.

Divorce is a difficult and often lonely process. It may cause you to feel shame and embarrassment, but the reality is that more than 50% of the population gets divorced. You are not an island, and there are many, many others that have been in your situation before.

More than likely, you already know someone that’s been divorced. Trying to hide what you’re going through adds unnecessary stress to an already overwhelming process.

Finding someone that you can lean on and trust to provide you with emotional support during a time like this is one of the better things you can do. This may be a friend, a family member, a counselor, someone from your place of worship, etc.

You don’t have to go through all of this alone or without some kind of support.

While it’s nearly impossible to hide the fact that you are getting divorced, there are ways to keep things private. One of the best things you can do is to avoid posting or sharing things that are related to your situation on social media.

Also, just because your divorce is “public record” does not mean people can find it on Google or that it’s published in a local newspaper.

Individuals that are not attorneys of record in your case have to create an account with the state’s records system and pay various fees in order to get copies or view any documents related to your case – which people rarely do.

You are the one that is mainly in control of the information people can access, and the less you share on social media, the better chance you have at keeping things private.

Ultimately, the best way to minimize interference from others is to respectfully communicate your boundaries. You don’t owe anybody an explanation of what you are going through.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by the persistent questions of others, you have every right to tell them that you don’t feel comfortable talking about the process.

Even if they have good intentions and want to help you, you’re under no obligation to share anything with them. Instead of feeling compelled to talk to everyone about everything, use your time to focus on rebuilding your life, preparing for whatever your new “normal” may be, and healing yourself.

If you are wondering how to get divorced without people finding out and have more questions about the divorce process and what information is made public, schedule a consultation with one of our expert divorce attorneys.


Author: Anna Eden

Attorney Anna Eden is a native of Mobile, Alabama. Prior to joining Herlihy Family Law, Anna worked as a law clerk for Circuit Court Judges Michael Windom and Michael Sherman. It was during her time clerking for Judge Sherman that Anna discovered her passion for helping people navigate the complex and emotional issues involved in family law.

Anna aids in the representation of individuals across a variety of family law issues, including divorce and child support, juvenile law, child custody law, probate, and wills.