Children Articles

Your children are your top priority when considering divorce in Mobile, Alabama. These articles are full of helpful information pertaining to Alabama divorce law and the best interest of your children. Our expert divorce lawyers in Mobile, Alabama can help you navigate the complexities of divorce and ensure you get adequate child support and child custody. Make sure you have all of the information you need when you hire your divorce attorney.

Child Support: What Parents Need to Know

Tax season is upon us, and that is the time of year that a lot of parents take an inventory of their complete financial picture. Is it time to consider a recalculation of child support? Child Support: What Parents Need to Know is latest installment of my online video...

Saint Mary’s Home Win(e)ter Formal

Saint Mary's Home Win(e)ter Formal Event Saint Mary's Home in Mobile, Alabama is the oldest child welfare agency in the State of Alabama, having been founded in 1838. They continue to serve the needs of abused, neglected, and abandoned children to this day. The Saint...

Summer Activity Options for Children

With summer quickly approaching, many students will soon be ending the school year and beginning their summer breaks. Although this is an exciting time for the children, it can be stressful for parents who want to keep their children occupied through the summer...

Breaking News: Ex Parte Bayliss Overturned by Alabama Supreme Court

Today, the Alabama Supreme Court has issued an opinion in the case of Ex Parte Christopher, which overturns the landmark case of Ex Parte Bayliss. Bayliss is the case which gave Alabama Courts the authority to order parents to pay post-minority support and contribute...

Testimonial from a Recent Divorce & Custody Client

Below is a testimonial which I received from a client, whom I recently represented on a divorce and custody case. This is posted anonymously and with the client's permission, of course! After 2 years of an increasing decline in communication between my wife and I, it...

Fatherhood: Creating a Positive Legacy

Mobile Arts Council & The Family Center Present -- Fatherhood: Creating a Positive Legacy The event is June 15, 2013 from 9am until Noon in Cathedral Square in Downtown Mobile.  Activities include: Station One – FHC – Legacy Workbox (toolbox) Station Two –...

Internet Safety Tips for Children

I recently attended the Child Protection Class in St. Dominic's which is conducted by the Archdiocese of Mobile. The class provided some really useful information, including the following list of Internet Safety Tips for Children, which I wanted to share: Keep the...

Supreme Court Weighs in on Rights of "Deadbeat" Parents

Michael Turner v. Rebccea Rogers Et Al. The United States Supreme Court is hearing the case of Michael Turner from South Carolina. Turner was jailed for 12 months for failure to pay $6,000.00 in child support arrearage which he owed.  Turner was described as...

The Challenges of Joint Custody with 50/50 Time Sharing

I thought this was an interesting, and timely, article, as true joint custody is an arrangement that more and more parents, particularly younger parents, find desirable, although the legal system has not come around to this way of thinking at this point. DISCLAIMER...

Divorce isn’t necessarily a bad thing for children. In fact, divorce can result in a healthier home life for your children. If you are considering divorce and would like joint custody, you may be wondering about paying child support.