Learn more about Herlihy Family Law, our background with divorce in Mobile, Alabama, what our divorce attorneys can help you with, and what you need to have in your case.
How to get divorced in Mobile, Alabama
Here in Mobile County, our...
Alison Baxter Herlihy Named as one of Mobile Bay Monthly’s 40 Under 40
Alison Baxter Herlihy had...
Communication Strategies for a High-Conflict Divorce
What is a High-Conflict...
Co-Parenting Apps & Technology
Technology and apps have...
6 things to look for to find the best divorce lawyer
First of all, what exactly...
4 common mistakes to avoid during your divorce
1. Not Keeping Good Records...
10 critical pieces of paperwork you need to file divorce
A lot of divorce clients ask...
Upcoming Changes in Alimony and Taxation
Under the new Tax Cuts and...
What is Collaborative Law?
What is Collaborative Law?...
What Are the Benefits of Mediation in Family Law Cases?
Mediation is a form of...
What is an uncontested divorce
People are often unsure of...
What does joint custody mean
Wondering what does joint...
What is abandonment in divorce
Wondering what...
What is the Role of a Guardian Ad Litem?
A Guardian ad Litem’s job is...
Powers of Attorney vs. Health Care Directives
Powers of Attorney vs....