Managing Stress Through Yoga: An Online Course Created by Alison Baxter Herlihy

Managing Stress Through Yoga: An Online Course Created by Alison Baxter Herlihy

Alison is a family lawyer by day, but one of her biggest passions is practicing and teaching yoga! She has been practicing yoga for over 20 years, teaching for 5 years, and just recently became a 500-hour certified yoga teacher, which is the highest level of training available for a yoga instructor.

Stress is an epidemic in the United States and lawyers have some of the highest rates of stress of any profession. With family law, the stakes are high because you are fighting for your client’s livelihoods and the well-being of their children. Experiencing a divorce or family law issue yourself can be one of the most stressful life changes there is. Yoga practice, both on an off your yoga mat, has been proven time and again to be effective in managing and coping with stress.

Responding to this need and a desire to help others is what motivated Alison to create her online course, Managing Stress through Yoga. It is a four-week course that combines readings, practices of journaling, mindfulness and meditation, and four 60-minute yoga practices you can do in the privacy of your own home.

For more information and to enroll in Alison’s online course, Managing Stress Through Yoga, click here:



4 steps to better managing your stress during divorce

4 steps to better managing your stress during divorce

4 steps to better managing your stress during divorce

Top 4 Tips for Managing Stress During Divorce

Stress is a serious factor in modern life. Stress is particularly prevalent during a divorce, which is said to be the most stressful and traumatic event that anyone can experience, second only to the death of a loved one. Stress can harm your immune system, cause weight gain, and even interfere with your cognitive functioning.

Some tips for managing stress:

  • Exercise has tremendous physical, mental and emotional benefits which cannot be overstated. Yoga is particularly effective in helping cope with stress, as numerous studies have shown that yoga can decrease depression, reduce the levels of the cortisol (stress) hormone in your body and increase gray matter in your brain.
  • Sleep is key to stress management. Losing even one hour of sleep each night can cause mental and physical impairment, which means you cannot make good decisions during this tough time in your life. Practice good sleep hygiene by making sure you have a dark and cool room, avoid electronics before bed and sleep and wake around the same time every day.
  • Maintain a balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, unprocessed whole grains and high-quality proteins. Certain vitamins and minerals are essential to regulating the levels of cortisol and adrenalin in the body.
  • Avoid potentially harmful habits in dealing with stress. Remember that what we use to make us feel better should not make us feel worse. That means, when you are stressed, do not turn to a bottle of wine, a bag of chips or a pint of ice cream. Engage in a healthy activity instead, like taking a walk, meditating, or practicing a relaxing hobby that you enjoy.